

We can now be found in 3 local stores in the Kansas City, Missouri area! 

Black Owned Business holding all natural products in Harvest Moon Botanica

Store: Harvest Moon Botanica

Products carried: Lip Balms (Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Unscented, and Grapefruit), Rosemary & Tea Tree Oil

NEW: 'Amir'acle Growth Oil 

Black Owned Business standing next all natural products in the American Jazz Museum Swing Shop

Store: Swing Shop

Products carried: Body Butters (The Robin, Sisterhood, Cocoa Butter Cashmere and Teakwood)

Black Owned Business all natural products in West Bottoms Plant co

 Store: West Bottoms Plant Co.

Products Carried: Body Creams (Pineapple Mango, Caribbean Coconut, Fresh Linen, Eucalyptus Rain, The Robin, Baby Girl, Teakwood, Cocoa Butter Cashmere, Black Current) Lip Balms (Unscented, Lavender, and Peppermint) Hydrating Cream (1 oz) Beard Oil, Beard Balms (Black Current)

NEW: 'Amir'acle Growth Oil, Bug Off Spray, and Beam Blocker (which doubles as a bug repellent)